The Path I Walked

Top Artistic & Coaching Services in Rochester

Hello, and welcome! I am an artist and coach based in Rochester, providing unique and thoughtful pieces of art and a range of supportive coaching services.
My distinctive artwork incorporates a unique design, a signature of my creativity, that tells a narrative of resilience, transformation, and healing. These are ...

Unique Style of Coaching

In my approach, spirituality and leadership go hand-in-hand. Why, you might ask? Both of these domains foster deep inner growth, and when harmoniously blended, they create an environment of transformation, not only at a personal level but also professionally. As a coach, my goal is to help you uncover your ...

My Journey

Through painting and creating, I discovered a unique conduit for my feelings, emotions, and everyday situations. This wasn't just about crafting aesthetically pleasing pieces; it was about healing. The canvas became a mirror for my soul, reflecting my innermost emotions and experiences. Every stroke was a step ...