The Path I Walked

Unique Style of Healing

In my approach, I use art to foster PMA (positive mental attitude) in our day-to-day life.

Art brings feelings to the surface by representing emotions and everyday situations. This can be done with representational and abstract art. The idea is to share inspired ideas and make connections with others through art. Every stroke of the brush opens a path to understanding and healing, a process that can be seen and felt in the soul. Art encourages people to express their feelings creating a deep connection between the artist and viewer. It is about sharing the transformative power of art through creative expression and seeing beyond our differences. 

I show how to do this in several classes I offer. 

Artwork For the Soul and Recovery

This class will be about how art can be a medium in the recovery process. Recovery from substances is not just about abstaining it is about learning a new way of life. In recovery one goes through phases and one of those phases is called the “pink cloud”, this is when you start feeling physically good and the brain is less foggy, and everything starts looking rosy. It is a time in the recovery process that one needs to be careful but should also be enjoyed. I will ask everyone what that “pink cloud” looks like to them and have them create it. Then we can talk about it. Life still happens and the pink cloud doesn’t last forever but when the rough times come, and they come, it will be good to have a picture of their pink cloud to hold on too.

Artwork For the Soul An Alternative to Violence

I believe we can use art as an alternative to violence! Something we can teach our youth and individuals struggling with anger management. So many times, I have heard some youth say they feel like punching someone in the face, well my response to that would be, “what would that look like on a canvas?” Put those feelings on canvas, in color or with objects like crushed shells. The point would be to get them engaged in the artwork. Once they are engrossed in the project I would wait and come back to them after a while and ask them why they wanted to punch someone and most of the time they will not even remember what they were angry about. The point is that it wasn’t even that important after all. We can start a discussion about why they felt the anger in the first place. Art can be a form of therapy to bring out those feelings of aggression onto a canvas and not another human being! Creating out of feeling which is what art is all about!

Artwork For the Soul and Thinking Outside the Box

Who says art is about drawing inside the lines? Art is anything you want it to be, anything you create. Creating without judgement-you know-painting outside the lines, can be such a healing tool. To be able to pick up anything you see and use it to create something unique is an art. You are the only one that has to love it because you created it! I have learned to use stones, shells, feathers, sand, and anything that I am attracted too. I start out with one idea and the next thing I know I’m off in another direction! Art is an adventure to me, and I love creating from anything and everything! That is what I want to bring to all my students, the love of creating.

Artwork For The Soul and The Divine

What does the Divine mean to you? Everyone has their own take on spirituality or the concept of a Higher Power. In a creative aspect what would that look like to you. That is what I would like for us to create. Something greater than ourselves that can bring some peace and sanity into our lives. What would that look like on canvas. It could be scientific, mystical, or part of nature. Whatever works for you!

These are just a few ways of bringing healing to our world. There is so much to explore! 

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Let's Connect on this Creative Journey!

Use the form below to drop me a message. I look forward to connecting with you and exploring how we can embark on this transformative journey together.